Dating Success: Strategies for Making Dating Fun for Adults ages 21 to 50!

10/25/2023 - 10/23/2024

Time: 07:15 pm - 08:15 pm

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786 Grange Road
United States

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Contact Name:
Benjamin Meyer

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We address those behaviors, thought patterns and learning styles considered to fall outside the norm (diagnoses such as ADHD, Autism, Learning Disorders, Neurodiversity) that may have become a struggle for you in dating and finding "the one" including:
Flirting effectively to make sure s/he knows you're interested!
Making effective eye contact and reading body language and cues
Overcoming shyness and moving out of your comfort zone
Lessening your stress level in the face of new situations
Planning an exciting to ensure you both have a wonderful time!
Working flexibility and adaptability into your planning sensory issues such as crowds, noise, temperature extremes, etc.
Anticipating and developing strategies for your date that may involve
Exploring the evolution of your dating and turning that into a lasting relationship!
Don't stay in the "friend zone" any longer! I am a professional (licensed LCSW) dedicated to your relationship and growth and understand, on a very personal level, the challenges you face, finding love. You are not alone!