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Dr. Ellen Littman, Ph.D. ADHD Assessment, Psychotherapy, and Coaching

Dr. Ellen Littman is a clinical psychologist located just north of New York City. Her private practice focuses on a high IQ adult and adolescent population. She has expertise with gender issues and is coauthor of "Understanding Girls with ADHD".

Center Academy Schools
Center Academy Schools

Center Academy provides a small, safe, accredited college prep and vocational prep environment for students with ADHD and stude...

Scientific Learning
Scientific Learning

Scientific Learning applies proven research on how the brain learns to accelerate learning. We produce patented solutions esse...

Featured Deal $31.4415% OFF

The ADHD Project Planner

Get 15% off any order for ADDitude readers with code ADDITUDE15!

Featured EventEvery Thursday

Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Teens
Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Teens

Two Experiential Trainings Per Month with Two Different Group Events that are coaching and writing based. Meaning you aren't ju...

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