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New Agenda- Academic, ADHD, and Life Skills Coaching with Executive Function Support

NEW AGENDA is a research-based executive function coaching practice for ages 9-99. We offer Academic, Life Skills, Social, and Executive Function/ADHD Coaching to cultivate healthy independent routines and relationships, and empower individuals.

ADD Focus Coach
ADD Focus Coach

ADD Focus Coach works exclusively with college students across the United States who have attention challenges. Our coaches he...

Center for Neurocognitive Excellence
Center for Neurocognitive Excellence

We are the DC Metro Area’s premier center for the evaluation and treatment of ADD and ADHD. We believe in holistic full-service...

Featured Deal FREE100% OFF

DocTom Coaching for ADHD Adults and College Students

Set up a free 15-minute conversation to explore whether working together might be a good fit. To schedule directly, go to: https://bit.ly/DocTom-15 Or call or text: 603-397-2681 Or email: doctomcoaching@gmail.com

Featured EventEvery Monday

What Do You Feed Your ADHD Child?
What Do You Feed Your ADHD Child?

https://brainchangekids.com Schedule a private consultation:https://calendly.com/childnutrition

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