Online Therapy for ADHD Support in NY and NJ
Montclair, New Jersey 07042
United States phone: view phone917-310-4997 website: Visit Website Contact this Listing
ADHD does not describe people who simply neglected to buy calendars or make lists-- It is a different brain wiring which comes with challenges, along with unique strengths and abilities.What you get in working with me is a therapist specializing in adult ADHD who understands the unique challenges and strengths of the ADHD brain. I can help you learn how to actually like yours, and build habits to use it well. My general social work and therapy background also enables me to screen for and treat co-occurring mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and other mental health concerns which are known to frequently come alongside ADHD.
Keep in mind: Therapists like me don't prescribe medication. Working with me is a great add-on to medication therapy you receive from another provider, or a good alternative for support in managing your symptoms if you feel medication is not the path for you.