Certified ADHD, Career and Life Coach

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  1. Coaching is available through through different meeting apps, pls in-person and by phone. Lee coaches people across the nation and oceans!
116 West 23rd Street, New York, NY
Manhattan, New York 10011
United States
view phone917-447-2251
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Lee Harbison successfully helps clients shift to a great sense of motivation and awareness to excel in their business and personal lives. Clients come into coaching either freshly diagnosed (within a year), or frustrated with initiation, procrastination, time management and, or overwhelm. Lee helps clients build and implement skills, strategies/systems, tools, and important, insightful knowledge. Clients learn their own ADHD paradoxes and are guided from challenges to solutions, finally maintaining consistency and healthy, effective habits. Lee partners with each client to build accountability and an engaging momentum so projects are completed and goals are met. The "I can'ts" are diminished as individuals transition to what can and does work, thanks to their strengths now identified and utilized. Her unique and personable style lets clients know she gets them for she herself once struggled. Her clients are: entrepreneurs, executives, medical personnel, partners, parents, academics, artists and celebrities.

8:30 am to 8:00 pm

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