3 Results
Seta Marangoudakis, is the owner of ADHDSeta, LLC. She is a trained and certified ADHD Coach working with individuals who present ADHD symptoms. Seta meets with clients ages 18+ virtually and in-person.
Hartford, Connecticut
United States
view phone860-969-1492
view faxN/A
Connecticut Children's Medical Center
As one of a select few children’s hospitals in the country to offer conjunct psychiatry and psychology care, Connecticut Children’s mental health specialists can determine the best treatment option to meet the needs of children and families.

Hartford, Connecticut 06106
United States
view phone860.545.9000
Connecticut Children's Medical Center
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center provides integrated mental health evaluation, diagnosis and treatment services for children and adolescents. Affiliated with psychiatrists and psychologists from the Institute of Living at Hartford Hospital.

2nd Floor
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
United States
view phone860.545.9000