3 Results
Boise Natural Health
At Boise Natural Health, we treat both children and adults with ADHD and related disorders. Many of our patients want natural options instead of, or in addition to, medication. We work to create an individualized program.

Boise, Idaho 83706
United States
view phone(208) 338-0405
Omega Health Services
Omega Health Services in Boise provides complete mental health services for people suffering with depression, anxiety disorder , bipolar, PTSD, ADHD, and a variety of other mental illnesses.

Boise, Idaho 83703
United States
view phone208-853-0071
St. Luke's Children's Center for Neurobehavioral Medicine
The team at St. Luke's Children’s Center for Neurobehavioral Medicine treats a full array of mental health issues with understanding, compassion, and skill. Our goal is to restore your child to his or her appropriate developmental path.

South Entrance
Boise, Idaho 83712
United States
view phone(208) 381-5970