ADZ LLC DBA My Life Tutors

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Good to know
  1. Features
  1. Online
  2. Virtual
  3. Intensive
  4. We follow your child to their choice of school
6930 Rockfield Road
Windsor Mill, Maryland 21244
United States
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My Life Tutors is the premier virtual college and career advancement coaching service. We unlock each client's full potential through proactive, ongoing, and forward-looking collaboration and support. Our strategies focus on providing clients of varying abilities with tools, coaching, and advocacy to increase access to and improve the development of their:

Organizational Skills
Goal Setting
Study Habits
Career Planning.

The primary goals of our services are Degree Completion and Career Actualization to move clients forward in becoming productive global citizens and contributing members of the beloved community.

Group coaching is available in our College Jumpstart series. All students can benefit from coaching tailored to their year in school, major, and career aspirations.

Neurodiverse college students and professionals can benefit from one-on-one intensive, daily, virtual coaching. Unlike most coaches, we focus on the client's entire life to help with the successful completion of school and successful career attainment.

Mon-Fri 10am - 5pm EDT or by appointment

This is a home address - all services are virtual!Am42l1X_eUZKrhwrOdAeq8bEovzt?e=yT8sba